Friday, September 23, 2011


I wrote this sestina for my AP English class last year. I got a B.... but I edited the end so maybe it's A worthy now :)

If you don't know what a Sestina is, it's a poem where the last word of each line gets repeated in a specific order in the next line... So the words: Girl, hands, hearts, bones, children and innocence are always the last words, except for the last clump, and I'm not gonna explain that one, because I barely even understood :)

Here I am, your little girl.
I reach out my hands
And try to touch corrupt hearts
of such dry bones.
Once your cherished children,
Now with loss of innocence.

With loss of innocence
I went astray, your little girl,
With many sheeplike children.
Infection and disease caught my once pure hands.
Sickness spread to my bones,
Piercing my heart.

Piercing my heart
Was the want of the innocence
That had escaped my flesh and bones.
Sanctify me! I cry, your little girl.
Wash away the dirt from my hands
And save the hearts of Your children.

"Save these children"
Cries my aching heart.
Speak, that they may wash their hands.
Lost is our innocence.
My purpose, your little girl,
To awaken sleeping bones?

Awaken – first – my decaying bones
So I may join the army of your chosen children.
A warrior, your little girl,
among the strongest of hearts.
Untouchable innocence.
Oh! Give me clean hands.

Will they ever reach full cleanliness, the hands?
 We wash them to the bones.
There is still lack of innocence.
 God, save us, your children;
 The evil in our hearts
 Separates You from me, your little girl.

God, move in the hearts of your children.
One day the hands will be white as snow on every boy and girl.
One day we will all be clothed in innocence and you will raise the dry bones.

1 comment:

  1. I don't like Sestinas (I'm an English major) because they feel too repetitive, but well done ma'am. You did a really good job with it!
